What We Offer:

Basic Manners Training

We offer training for puppies, adults or seniors who need help with manners. We will teach basic commands like sit, come, down, off, and more!

Behavior Modification Training

We offer support to dogs needing help with behavior issues such as barking on leash, chewing on items they shouldn't be, or going to the bathroom in the house.

Canine Good Citizen Program

This program will earn your dog all 3 CGC titles and teach your dog the skills needed to be a canine good citizen, an urban canine good citizen, and a community canine. Upon completion of all 3 titles, you can also choose to join our therapy dog volunteer program.

Getting Started

We offer private in-home lessons for pets needing assistance with obedience or behavior issues. Lessons include a written lesson summary document as well as any handouts that the trainer sees fit, all available in the online client portal. 

Services must take place within 45 minutes of Milwaukee, WI.

Please note that prior to scheduling your first lesson, you need to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your training goals, develop a behavior plan for your dog, and start with one training exercise if time permits. 

Pricing and Scheduling

  • Basic Manners and Behavior Modification

    2 lessons per month - $120.00 per month

  • Canine Good Citizen Program

    4 lessons per month - $185.00 per month

Disclaimer: If a dog is deemed unsuitable for a certain class or service, the value of any unused package portion or class fee can be applied toward other pet training services. We cannot accommodate refunds. Class fees will be prorated in the event of dismissal.